Being vulnerable can be scary! Correction. Being vulnerable is scary. It is hard. But when we open to vulnerability, we open to creativity, kindness, and love.
The opposite of being vulnerable is being closed off. I'm sure you've felt that way. I have. And, I've done it on purpose to protect my feelings. So, instead of going to a party, I stayed home. Instead of trying out for a team, I watched on the sidelines. Instead of taking a risk, I've "played it safe." I could even do that today. Stop and not practice with all of you. Let's face it, I've gained some weight and it is a little embarrassing. But rather than stop, let's work through that together. I'll get the weight off, but I don't want to quit because I don't look "perfect." It's tempting. It's crossed my mind. Thoughts like, "Who wants to see a fatso on their screen while doing yoga?" have floated through my brain several times. I'm beginning to understand that fear is the biggest drawback emotion there is! Worry is another one. A long time ago a friend's mom told me, "Worry is a useless emotion." She said that because you don't gain anything from worry. If something is going to happen, it will. Worrying won't stop it. And, you can worry yourself sick. When you realize the scary thing that could have happened didn't (like most scary things don't), you've wasted all that energy worrying, wasted all that time worrying, instead of having a pleasant day. Let's not do that. Instead let's practice opening to vulnerability with a mixed practice of restorative poses to open our hearts (and hips) and a few active poses (just to get the blood pumping). We'll add a breathing practice and end with our traditional iRest Meditation that explores being vulnerable. This photo shows the props needed for tonight. A couple of bolsters, two blocks, two blankets and a strap. It also shows some items you can use if you don't have typical yoga props. Couch pillows, robe belt, a few books (maybe put them in a bag or wrap them in a towel with tape so they don't come apart), two small blankets or larger towels that can be rolled up and a fuzzy blanket to stay warm and cozy! "See you" this evening in class! Love & Light, Vicki You can sign up for tonight's practice here:
Our next 6-week session of Yoga with a Chair begins Thursday, October 30th at 4 pm.
Julia began practicing yoga after she was severely injured in an automobile accident. Yoga became a lifeline. Through yoga she gained strength and resilience. She found the ability to concentrate and learned to love life again - in the current moment. Not in the past, not in the future, but in the here and now. Julia took a teacher training course so she can share the amazing benefits with others, so that you too can become stronger and more resilient in body, mind and spirit. Julia is a newer teacher with wonderful skills. Don't wait for a potentially life-changing event, join Julia in one of her classes, offered to you for just $5 each class. She gains experience and you gain strength, resilience and the moment. |
Inspiration Blog
June 2021