Let’s continue our talk about Love.
When we feel confused, full of anxiety or guilt, or angry; we begin to feel like we don’t belong, that we are not worthy in some way – not enough. But when we practice kindness and compassion, beautiful things begin to happen – inside. Our inner strength begins to blossom and it unfolds in the most amazing ways. I found this on the web and I believe it whole-heartedly and I want to share it with you. “Love is an endless glow that radiates in all directions. It is the cosmic fire of passion, that burns through all darkness – the eternal I Am.” -- Toni Carmine Salerno So let’s begin our practice now. Over the next few hours until we meet. Say these phrases to yourself and feel how love can bloom in you. I Am Worthy. I Am Strong. I Am Enough. I Am Spirit. I Am Consciousness. I Am Light. I Am Love. See you at 5:30 pm.
Life throws us curve balls. It can be confusing and hard; and we generally respond ok.
But sometimes, we retreat and let the world go by. Or we stop. Completely. We fight feelings, emotions. We push away what we don’t want to deal with. We become constricted in our bodies and they become tense and tight. We can become hard or narrow-minded in our thinking and beliefs. Today’s practice is about grounding and opening. Grounding and connecting with the earth, with ourselves, with spirit. And Opening, Opening our bodies, opening our hearts. When we do this, we create space. Space. Space for something new. Space to embrace new things, pursue new adventures. Today we implement the practice of grounding so that an opening can occur. We will find expansiveness and rest there. No deep work today. Just resting in openness. See you at 5:30 pm. Namaste & Blessings, Vicki |
Inspiration Blog
June 2021