Join us on Saturday, June 17th from 1:00 - 2:00 pm for a return visit to the Jungle and let's go on a journey!
Just $10 - Sign Up Now!
We thoroughly enjoyed Spring into Lakeside - 2017
A well dressed dog and curious friends were just some of the cute visitors we had during the Spring Into Lakeside event on Saturday.
Blue Horizons Wellness’ studio had a great turnout for the Kids Yoga Jungle Journey. We got to hike through the jungle, climb a mountain and canoe a stream. Along the way we became trees, boats, airplanes and a variety of animals. And, Vicki’s soothing voice during the guided relaxation even calmed the savage beasts!
Later, everybody enjoyed some snacks and headed out to get bike helmets, face painting, see a movie and enjoy other activities around Lakeside. We hope everybody had a good time and hope to see you back soon!
Many thanks to our special helpers on Saturday! You guys are the best!
Photos from Spring into Lakeside Jungle Journey
A curious dog stopped by to see what was going on !
Smiling for the camera.
Welcome to Blue Horizons Yoga and Wellness Studio
Young Warriors
We saw an airplane overhead and became airplanes taking off.
We became boats to float down the river.
Time to rest in an imaginary hammock. zzzz
Namaste - The light within me honors and respects the light within you!